Nuts and bolts of pure aloe vera drinks
Standard marketing terms include natural, organic, and fresh. Companies often share such information about their products to boost sales. However, they often do not disclose the good with the bad. In this case, information like growing and processing techniques. For instance, imagine a natural and organic non-GMO carrot. It grows in highly contaminated soil. Then, given frequent chemical sprays to keep animals or insects away. Harvesting occurs weeks before ripening when nutrition levels are highest. Finally, stored in a dark warehouse where unwanted bacteria and mold thrive. Would you still buy this natural or organic carrot?
These famous marketing words are misleading more than they are true. For example, a product may be called “natural” as long as 4% of the product is natural per the FDA. Therefore, a “natural” product may be up to 96% unnatural. The unknowing consumer takes it at face value, assuming what the label implies.
Yes, the shocking truth; “No evidence of aloe vera found in the aloe vera at Wal-Mart, CVS, Target.” We found many marketing schemes, including; half-truths, implied claims, and contradicting label statements. Of course, we will share these common tactics. Knowing them enables informed decision-making about the best products for your family’s needs.
On this website, aloe vera refers to the Barbadensis Miller species in the succulent family.
Aloe vera juice implies that the juice is made from the whole leaf of aloe vera. This contains both the outer leaf anti-nutrients and the inner leaf gel.
MARKETING DECEIT; aloe vera juice may also describe drinks with some aloe vera. This includes just adding aloe powder. The reconstitution is typically 300 mg/per serving. Aloe vera juice is often coupled with; orange, apple, or pineapple juice, processed sugar, or high fructose corn syrup. In addition, ingredient lists include artificial colors and flavors.
Honest Aloe adds nothing to our inner leaf aloe gel drink. Shop Now
Aloe vera gel refers to the inner portion of the leaf containing its; healing, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting properties.
MARKETING DECEIT; aloe vera gel may also refer to aloe vera water with a synthetic thickener. The thickener mimics aloe vera’s gel or pulp consistency. The label may read “Carrageenan added as a thickener” or similar. These do not contain any healing properties.
MARKETING DECEIT; product labels state “100% Pure Aloe Gel” yet have ingredients other than aloe in them! These ingredients often include harsh chemical preservatives. The “Pure Aloe Gel” may even have water listed as the first and primary ingredient! Unfortunately, “100% Aloe Vera” doesn’t mean it’s pure.
Honest Aloe’s pure 100% aloe vera gel drink = nothing added from plants to your bottle – Shop Now
Aloe vera water is ultra-filtered or distilled aloe vera gel. The final product is mostly water from the aloe leaf. Most aloe waters contain some mucopolysaccharides but little, if any, pulp.
Aloe vera inner leaf fillet refers to the water or gel separated from the outer leaf. This is done by hand or machine.
MARKETING DECEIT; when machines are used to filet aloe vera, the processing agents are not included on ingredient lists. They should be removed in additional processing steps. Processing agents include; diatomaceous earth and activated carbon to clean and filter the aloe liquid.
Fact; properly performing the hand fillet process is cleaner than a machine. It also does not require processing agents to remove parts of the outer leaf sap.
Hand filet inner leaf pure aloe gel drink with nothing filtered or added – Shop Now
Aloe vera pulp refers to the fibrous inner fillet. You can see the pulp in unfiltered aloe vera gel, which gives it a translucent color. Filtered aloe is generally clear like water.
Fact; aloe vera extract is the yellow-brown outer leaf layer. This sticky sap or extract oozes out of a freshly cut leaf. Research shows high doses of this outer leaf sap for extended periods can damage rats’ digestive tracts. You can read that study on PubMed by clicking here. To our knowledge, this is no longer allowed to be sold in the USA due to these effects.
Fact; whole leaf aloe vera means either; individual aloe leaves or the entire aloe plant is put into a grinder. Then, the useless mush goes through a series of filtering and cleaning processes. The final appearance of the aloe vera product is clear or artificially colored.
Honest Aloe hand filet for pure inner leaf 100% aloe gel never from whole leaf – Shop Now
Equally important, tests using the unedible of a plant should not be confused with the benefits of its edible nutritious parts. For example, you would not eat the peel of an avocado, but rather the inner green part.
Fact; Doctors who always prefer drug products over natural remedies may reference research that tests the anti-nutrient parts of plants and herbs. It is doubtful that these doctors read the studies they reference. This may indeed prevent patients like you from using aloe to heal. We encourage you to do your research.
In conclusion, Honest Aloe offers pure hand filleted inner leaf gel only…from start to finish!
Cheers to YOUR health!
Please visit our About Us link to learn more about our farm, aloes, and processing.