Our Processing

In a nutshell we organically grow -> carefully Peel to Seal leaves within 1 hour -> sell fresh or fresh frozen.

100% Vertical integration allows us to personally grow, harvest, minimally process, package, and store your Honest Aloe. On the other hand, it is common for companies to get materials from different sources and then produce a final product. Honest Aloe both grows the materials for our raw aloe and produces them. We store our aloe until it arrives to you in person or via shipping.

Why Do We Peel?

Aloe vera leaf gel starts oxidizing once cut from the mother plant. Thus, we gently peel the leaves from the base of the plant. We found that although more time-consuming, hand-peeling is better for the aloe plant’s health and gel quality.

Polysaccharides are proven to be responsible for the many health benefits of aloe. For these reasons, we carefully fillet the aloe leaves by hand. We never add anything, including water, to protect the aloe gel’s integrity and our customer’s well-being.

What About Aloin?

Do you ever break off an aloe leaf, apply it to your skin, and wonder why it is sticky? The outer latex layer or aloin in aloe vera leaves is what is sticky. Aloin contains anthraquinones. These can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, some cultures extract this aloin to intentionally induce a laxative effect. According to the IASC, aloin levels 10ppm or less is safe for consumption. Click here to see their website. We naturally remove the aloin without chemicals or filters.

Why do we freeze?

According to the FDA, frozen foods maintain nutritional value well. They report little changes to the frozen substance without needing preservatives. You can click here to learn more. However, many color stabilizers and chemicals are used to keep the appearance of the food appealing. For example, peas tend to become pale and slightly shriveled when frozen. This appearance does not give the impression of fresh peas. Therefore, steps are taken to make them appear fresh.

Key nutrient tests of raw aloe vera gel after the first and second freezes show “pleasing results”; meaning the nutrients of the aloe gel did not significantly change after freezing. We do not make our aloe into a powder or reconstitute it like other companies. We strive to preserve the synergistic effects of the aloe’s inner leaf gel.

End Product

Finally, our inner leaf gel drinks are intended to be used by our customers. We all know fresh whole foods will not stay stored in a pantry for years. Plainly, if you desire an aloe drink that is; natural, clean, organic, whole food, minimally processed, and not filtered or full of questionable ingredients, then you can expect a perishable product. Honest Aloe may be for you.